
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Heart diseases

Heart disease
 is an umbrella term for any type of disorder that affects the heart. Heart disease means the same as cardiac disease but not cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease refers to disorders of the blood vessels and heart, while heart disease refers to just the heart.

Here are some of the problems that go along with cardiovascular disease:
  • Arteriosclerosis (say: ar-teer-ee-oh-skluh-ROW-sus): also called hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis means the arteries become thickened and are no longer as flexible.
  • Atherosclerosis (say: ah-thuh-row-skluh-ROW-sus): a buildup of cholesterol and fat that makes the arteries narrower so less blood can flow through. Those buildups are called plaque.
  • Angina (say: an-JY-nuh): people with angina feel a pain in the chest that means the heart isn't getting enough blood.
  • Heart attack: when a blood clot or other blockage cuts blood flow to a part of the heart.
  • Stroke: when part of the brain doesn't get enough blood due to a clot or a burst blood vessel.

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